How to Combine Data from Multiple Spreadsheets. Click on the Data tab. Just below the Data tab, click on New Query then choose From Other Sources in options. You will then be able to import data from various other sources. When you've entered the From Other Sources section, click on Blank Query. Learn how to merge data from multiple worksheets based on a matching key column in Excel without using VLOOKUP function.#excel #data #merge #tutorial.
Sometimes we want to merge multiple sheets into one sheet so that we can easily analyse the data and turn it into some useful information. This articles will tell you how to merge multiple worksheets into one worksheet using VBA.
Here I have fetched some data from server that returns data into different worksheets. I have added one more sheet and named it as 'Master'. Other sheet names doesn't matter.
Now run this macro.
How to merge sheets using this VBA Macro?
- Insert a new sheet and name it 'Master' in the workbook. Rename it later if you want.
- Insert a module in VBA editor and copy above VBA code.
- Run the macro.
- You will be asked to select headings. Select the heading and hit OK.
And it is done. All the sheets are merged in master.
How it works?
I assume that you know the basics of object and variable creation in VBA. in the first part we have created object and variables that we will need in our operations.
How to merge sheets using this VBA Macro?
- Insert a new sheet and name it 'Master' in the workbook. Rename it later if you want.
- Insert a module in VBA editor and copy above VBA code.
- Run the macro.
- You will be asked to select headings. Select the heading and hit OK.
And it is done. All the sheets are merged in master.
How it works?
I assume that you know the basics of object and variable creation in VBA. in the first part we have created object and variables that we will need in our operations.
Well most of the things I have explained using comments in vba code. Let's look at the main part of this vba code.
Merge Tables From Different Sheets Excel File
In earlier articles we learned how to loop through sheets and how to get last row and column using vba.
Here we are looping through each sheet in main workbook using for loop.
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
Then we exclude 'master' sheet from looping, since we will be consolidating our data in that sheet.
Then we get last row and last column number.
Now next line is very important. We have done multiple operations into one line.
Range(Cells(startRow, startCol), Cells(lastRow, lastCol)).Copy _
mtr.Range('A' & mtr.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1)
First we form a range using startRow, startCol and lastRow and lastCol.
This loops runs for all the sheets and copies each sheets data into master sheet.
Finally, in the end of the macro we activate the mastersheet to see the output.
So yeah guys, this is how you can merge every sheet in a workbook. Let me know if you have any query regarding this VBA code or any excel topic in the comments section below.
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